Raw Pakoras

I don't normally put up dehydrator recipes because not everyone has one, but with a few people are doing raw detox at the moment.
These are perfect if you can't be bothered putting together a fresh salad or not really having time for lunch. They can be snacked on throughout the day.
I find them even better with some dip or thick creamy Greek yoghurt. Also great for kids lunches. Imagine getting them to eat vegetables for lunch!
Takes about 1.5 hours to put together and 24 hours to dehydrate. Makes about 100 in the Excalibur dehydrator.
1 bunch celery including leaves. Cut off head. 1/2 red cabbage 2 carrots 1 bunch kale 1 bunch parsley 1 bunch coriander 8 dates (without pips), softened 2 jalapeno peppers (this is not as hot as it seems, but if you are worried leave them out) 5 cloves garlic
1 onion 6 lemons, juiced 2 tbl olive oil 400g flaxseed 400g sunflower seeds paprika to sprinkle on top.
You will need a food processor, blender, dehydrator, a very large mixing bowl and an ice-cream scoop. I used the biggest saucepan I could find that I used to make tomatoe sauce in.
Grind sunflower seeds and flaxseed. Mix together. A blender will do this or Thermomix is even better. Using the food processor, finely chop all the remaining ingredients. Mix all the wet ingredients with the dry. Using the ice-cream scoop, make little half circle balls on the dehydrator. Use Teflex sheets or baking paper underneath. Spend the extra money to buy those ice-cream scoops with the the bit of metal the helps release the contents. Much easier. Sprinkle with paprika. Dehydrate for 12 hours at 110 degrees F. Remove baking paper, turn over and continue to dehydrate for another 5-8 hours. They should not be moist to touch. Enjoy.